February 28, 2023

Amber Tamblyn: Intuition Not Anxiety

Amber Tamblyn (actress, director, and writer) joins us to discuss all things intuition, from its biological importance and practical ways to be in touch with it, to how modern society has taught us to ignore our intuition and our mind-body connection. She explains why intuition often gets mistaken for anxiety, why feminism matters, the power of the MeToo Movement, and the real societal repercussions of women’s inequality. We also analyze Amber’s recurring wolf dreams, the significance of recurring dreams and consider what it means to redefine the term “psychic."

Theme Song Written, Produced, and Performed by Ed Robertson. Mixed by Kenny Luong.
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Amber Tamblyn

Writer, Director, Actress

Mayim Bialik


Jonathan Cohen





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Guest References

Amber Tamblyn's Book: Listening In The Dark: Women Reclaiming The Power Of Intuition
For generations, women have been taught to ignore their intuitive intelligence, whether in their personal lives or professional ones, in favor of making logical, evidence-based decisions. But what if that small voice or deeper knowing was our greatest gift, an untapped power we could use to affect positive change?
(Watch) Our Intuition, Our Power: Amber & Jenna Wortham in conversation for The Meteor
Author and activist Amber Tamblyn speaks with “Still Processing” podcast host and writer Jenna Wortham about intuition.
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More Writing from Amber Tamblyn
Read more articles, essays, and other writings from Amber Tamblyn.
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Listening in the Dark with Amber Tamblyn | Substack
Creative-minded community and cultural catharsis. Full of feminism and always algorithm-free. Join over 2,000 subscribers.
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