July 5, 2022

Bevisode with Mayim’s Mom! Don’t Get Your Death on Me

Bev breaks down previous episodes in our seventh Bevisode installment! This week, Bev opens up about the perks of being Mayim’s mom, why she doesn’t take the praise for who Mayim is today, and her Moment of Peace and Calm. She reacts to past episodes including: processing grief with Nora McInerny, finding comfort in the unknown and giving back to the world with Howie Mandel, and the universality of mental health struggles with Julie Bowen. Bev considers Sarah Silverman’s ability to remain true to who she is, Chelsea Handler’s journey through unpacking delayed grief and experiences with EMDR, and reveals why the David Sinclair episode was problematic for her. Be sure to stick around to hear Bev show off her “podcast voice!"

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Beverly Bialik

Mayim's Mother

Mayim Bialik


Jonathan Cohen






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Bevisode with Mayim’s Mom! Don’t Get Your Death on Me

Bev breaks down previous episodes in our seventh Bevisode installment! This week, Bev opens up about the perks of being Mayim’s mom, why she doesn’t take the praise for who Mayim is today, and her Moment of Peace and Calm. She reacts to past episodes including: processing grief with Nora McInerny, finding comfort in the unknown and giving back to the world with Howie Mandel, and the universality of mental health struggles with Julie Bowen. Bev considers Sarah Silverman’s ability to remain true to who she is, Chelsea Handler’s journey through unpacking delayed grief and experiences with EMDR, and reveals why the David Sinclair episode was problematic for her. Be sure to stick around to hear Bev show off her “podcast voice!"

Guest References

(Episode) David Sinclair: Reverse Aging & Extend Your Lifespan

David Sinclair (biologist, Professor of Genetics at Harvard Medical School, and author of Lifespan: Why We Age and Why We Don’t Have To) discusses ways we can extend our lifespan and the work he’s doing to slow and reverse aging brain cells.

(Episode) Nora McInerny: Move Through Grief Paralysis
Nora McInerny (Terrible, Thanks for Asking podcast, author of Bad Vibes Only) helps us build understanding around grief by taking us through her own grief journey.
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(Episode) Howie Mandel: Never too Late to Make a Change
Howie Mandel (America’s Got Talent, Deal or No Deal, Howie Mandel Does Stuff podcast) opens up about his struggles with ADHD, anxiety, depression, and OCD.
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(Episode) Sarah Silverman: Grow a Pair of Lips
Sarah Silverman discusses the origins of her "shock value" comedy style, her reaction to being called "one of the guys" in comedy, and the importance of growing and changing with the times, especially as a comedian.
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