October 31, 2023

Jada Pinkett Smith: Conscious Uncoupling, Dismantle Your Ego & Sit in The Bosom of God

Jada Pinkett Smith (actor, producer, musician, host, author, advocate) joins us to break down her struggles with depression and CPTSD, the status of her marriage to Will Smith, “The Slap”, her ayahuasca experience, and connecting with her higher power. She discusses what it was like growing up in a household with substance abuse struggles, having to sell drugs as a means to provide for herself, and how she met and became close with Tupac. Jada opens up about her panic attacks, suicidal ideations and subsequent attempts, and the taboo nature of therapy in her community. She reflects on her codependent nature, the intoxication of her courtship with Will, the break they took from their marriage, public pressure they’ve faced, the nature of their “open relationship”, and why they never actually divorced. Mayim and Jada discuss the patriarchal components of women being held responsible for the actions of men and Mayim and Jonathan demonstrate somatic tracking.

Theme Song Written, Produced, and Performed by Ed Robertson. Mixed by Kenny Luong.
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Jada Pinkett Smith

Actress, Author, Host

Mayim Bialik


Jonathan Cohen






Educational activities for kids

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Guest References

Worthy by Jada Pinkett Smith
Jada Pinkett Smith was living what many would view as a fairy-tale of Hollywood success. But appearances can be deceiving, and as she felt more and more separated from her sense of self, emotional turmoil took hold. Sparing no detail, Worthy chronicles her life—from a rebellious youth running the Baltimore streets as an observer and participant in the drug trade, to the deep bond she shared with Tupac Shakur from the moment they met, to her move to Los Angeles and the successful career she built on her own terms, to becoming the wife of superstar Will Smith and mother to Jaden, Willow and bonus-mom to Trey.
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