February 13, 2024

Laughter Can Heal the Conflict, with Jeff Foxworthy!

Comedian Jeff Foxworthy Wants You to Know....Laughter Can Heal the Conflict! Jeff Foxworthy (Blue Collar Comedy Tour, Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader?) REVEALS the origins of his famous \"You might be a redneck if...\" jokes, the shame he felt from his parents being the first divorced couple he knew, and his decision to stay away from political and religious humor where the divide is already great. He opens up about his reservations about being asked to guest on MBB, his tech beginnings working for IBM, and why it’s more difficult to be a clean comic than dirty. Jeff highlights the importance of living a balanced life, realizing that everyone is dealing with their own personal struggles, and why we could all stand to laugh at ourselves a little bit more. PLUS Jeff shows off his impressive illustrating skills that most of the world doesn’t know him for. TUNE IN to MBB to hear the full hilarious, heartfelt conversation!

Laughter Can Heal the Conflict, with Jeff Foxworthy!


February 13, 2024

Laughter Can Heal the Conflict, with Jeff Foxworthy!

Comedian Jeff Foxworthy Wants You to Know....Laughter Can Heal the Conflict! Jeff Foxworthy (Blue Collar Comedy Tour, Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader?) REVEALS the origins of his famous \"You might be a redneck if...\" jokes, the shame he felt from his parents being the first divorced couple he knew, and his decision to stay away from political and religious humor where the divide is already great. He opens up about his reservations about being asked to guest on MBB, his tech beginnings working for IBM, and why it’s more difficult to be a clean comic than dirty. Jeff highlights the importance of living a balanced life, realizing that everyone is dealing with their own personal struggles, and why we could all stand to laugh at ourselves a little bit more. PLUS Jeff shows off his impressive illustrating skills that most of the world doesn’t know him for. TUNE IN to MBB to hear the full hilarious, heartfelt conversation!


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