
Puori was created in 2009 by the two founders, Oliver Amdrup-Chamby’s and Julius Heslet’s, uncompromising desire to supplement their own active lifestyle. It started with creating a high quality, potent omega-3 fish oil - a gap in the market which no existing product was able to fill.  

The mission was clear from the beginning: to be the best at offering pure, clean & superior products that make a difference to people's health and levels of wellbeing. Since then, the product portfolio has grown to address the main nutritional deficiencies in the developed world in the most uncompromising way possible.

The reasons for Puori’s success – an ambitious adventure where two young men’s ideas have grown into a global company with many dedicated employees, partners, and loyal customers – has been anchored in transparency through third-party testing from the very beginning. Initially, Puori used IFOS testing of their fish oil supplement, which has subsequently expanded into full transparency testing across the entire product portfolio.

There has always been a great deal of boldness and innovation in Puori. Without it, we would never have set out on this amazing journey. It now means that we cultivate a culture within the company to foster open innovation and change. Those who dare to think aloud and differently are rewarded.

From the start, our initial surge in growth at Puori has been through the success of CrossFit®, an exercise methodology that spread throughout the 2000s and has since evolved into a profound competitive sport. It still plays an important part of Puori’s heritage. Since then we have seen that everyone has their own unique exercise strategies and so we try to address the needs of all physically active individuals.

We believe that health is an ever-evolving journey centered around making quality decisions within the four cornerstones of a good life: a healthy diet, physical activity, recovery, and balance. We don’t sell quick fixes; we help people understand their origin and show them how to achieve their natural potential. We believe in a preventative lifestyle and a holistic approach to health. Where the modern diet falls short providing us the nutrients we need, we provide the purest natural supplements for people, for ourselves, and for a healthier future.

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